The Black Sentinel (3 Letter Triad)
The Cooks and the Addicts (Twisted Nerve)
Update 14 is coming SOON! 🔥
If there ever was a so:tl sequel what would it even be about (I know there isn't gonna be one btw)
The United Planet Front (Leviathan)
Any idea which paint job this is? It seems like Doomsday, but it lacks the orange and black patterns.
Damn, I just realized Andrew doesn't even look annoyed here. More like shy, and even a little sad. 😔
Manhunt 2 is widely known as a downgrade compared to the first game but is there anything from MH2 you prefer over MH1? (Or that you consider to be an improvement?)
TS1 Fighting Chance - Mod Release Trailer
Why she's so deppresed (sad)
Did the 33rd even know if Konrad was alive
I mean, everything is traumatizing enough
I'm the new moderator of r/SpecOpsTheLine. What is going to change?
I robbed Black Mesa
Possible teaser for future M1 Garand DLC?
What’s your dream weapon for Crime Boss?
“May this year be better”
What is a mod you can't live without?
Campaign Preview - "Pause That"
Whats your Favorite execution?
I'd recommend Extended Executions Re-Delivered, a Manhunt 2 mod restoring the 0.01 takedowns and animations!
EERD, a Manhunt 2 mod bringing back its 0.01 build takedowns - I highly recommend it!
I hate border patrol
Spec Ops: Permanent Revolution - Mod Announcement Post
What are yalls thoughts on the pistol?