profesionali novy kolega, asi bude treba rozkliknuť
scp 682 original images
most adc's fail this simple task
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex
is there a 3ds rom hack that has catchable ALL the pokemon up to 6th or 7th generation?
Nemá niekot obrázok/názov slovenských čipsov čo vyzerajú takto?
Ženy, buďte safe - nie len v BA
coaxed into character design
And still haven't recovered since the first crash(bite).
I need a high quality desk or board like images from runeterra lore
i just unmatched but man what
Viego: What I Got VS What I Expected (Yes I'm STILL salty FOUR (4) years later) 😤💢❗❗
Some cool vases I found
Average day in low masters
I have animation (.fbx) from my enemy but it often times clips into the wall. Is there a way to change angle of the shoulder with code?
Batman is Mixed Feels Good. Give me a fictional character who is Hateable Good. The top (most upvoted) post will go on the meme.
First world problems
I stopped talking to my best friend of 5 years because he's racist.
This awful AI generated image that came up when I searched "digestive system"
Using a LLM to generate npc "filler" dialogue
Dunkmaster Darius Q animation range is not visible in the very first half sec. both the images in The screeshot have the exact same cast time. harder for the opponent to dodge it?
actual cinema