Which character do you think felt the most remorse for the Prank?
Why did Jess play the prank on Hannah?
Times where the characters feel or say something out of character?
Mike should’ve been targeted more
Did you know?
Describe Matt in one word
Did Ashley want Mike to shoot Emily?
What did they do to Jess' body in the remake? 💀
They did Galadriel so wrong in this shot
Wolfie ends your favs
Sam is kinda a bad best friend in the remake
Hannah in the mines
The best and the worst theory of Until Dawn?
So, thoughts on the new game theories video
Who would you actually feel safest stuck with until dawn?
What do you think Hannah & Beth’s Dream Jobs were? (Since the UD Companion App didn’t confirm anything about them)
kind of a prologue question?
Are these type of models offical?
what would it be for you?
Why did Emily start the fight?
What's something you hate from "insert character name" haters?
What's something you hate from "insert character name" stans?
[ALL] Anyone else thought that Rachel felt like a whole new person in BTS?
What if Jessica was bitten?
Chris is actually so insane if you think about it