Two completed
1/3 complete. Switch for scale
Let’s Rock
My biggest DP ever
Using a rolling pin
WIP Wednesday
My local Walmart finally has them.
Can’t wait to get going on this guy. 🤩 14 colors approx 70x99cm
Wish me luck as I dive into this hobby.
First of the year
Coral Reef Island 🪸
I wish I had someone to hug me
Happy New Year to all of you alone-livers
Finished it
I remade the Cover of Holy Diver in Jojos
Any advice on how to prevent dog hair sticking to the canvas between the drills on completed sections?
For those who live alone but not "alone" - share a picture of your housemate?
I know pets are lovely & wonderful companions, but which pets help people the most?
I give you, living with a roommate who really loves consuption and vaping
Are they playing or fighting or play fighting???
Scared of needles at 16
Emotional Dumpster fire
how to know when it’s time?