Movie Review: Elevation 💩
PSN is down (pretty sure)
1 Orokin Cell 15m Gabii, Ceres
$MONA on Solana
She is “sort of” interested but not as interested as I am in her?
Zariman: Missions Failing
Deimos Ore Bug
Just spent 40m for 12 Orokin Cells (I have both boosters on)
Partner with me to launch Memecoin
30s 6x Combo w/ active sentinel present Riven bug
2024 August Calendar Events
25m Gabii 0 Orokin Cell
Dropped 10 sol into $Powsche today, still got 30 left... what should I ape?
Selling 2 accounts: TH 16 rush & TH 12 MAX'd. Accepting $ or crypto.
My PS4 controller left and right stick's diagonal input won't register in the beginning
My left analog stick can only move up down left right
Is This Job Legit????
Why the jump 10 minutes before close?
I found my boyfriend’s “trophies” and I don’t know what to do
I think this is one of my favorite scene in the whole show.
Life was better when women didn't have to work.
How is yone not the most broken champ in the entire game?
I love chipotle so damn much but why in the hell do I get explosive poop the next when I wake up??
Please, start banning people (from ranked at least)!