Do y’all agree or disagree with this take on OG Fortnite?
Bullet Travel is better than Hitscan competitive wise
Rank distribution on BR vs Ballistic
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
How many people work in your department?
Unpopular opinion but I think Fortnite ruined gaming.
Rank the arrowverse shows best to worst
Anyone else prefer the remake over the original?
Fortnite Ranked is Messed Up
Is this skin the new Juice World?
Can I Teach Myself to Play the Trumpet? Looking for Advice and Resources
Which elemental master do you think has the best design?
The PERFECT Fan Cast?!?
This is how I would redesign Kai and Jay
Fu*k CG. This dagger buff is fu*king awful
2 days remaining until this disgusting thing gets vaulted
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 running on XBOX Series S
Black ops 6 on ps4 worth it?
Ninjago Seasons, Movie, and Departed Ranking (nearly Indisputable among OG fans)
Nya is done! Comment number and character and I will draw till it’s full!
Chapter 5 is ending soon. Are you happy about it or sad?
I was able to complete it on my first attempt 😁
I hate Crystalized, but it's simply impossible not to love this parallel
I Will QUIT It They Release Old Battle Passes
Imagine: you're dying, and you can listen to only one last song. What would it be?