What would happen to you if your wallpaper hugged you? (Image is completely related, cause it's my wallpaper.)
Xbox One stopped installing games for no reason.
My best friend said I'm dead to him.
do y’all like girls for their looks or personality?
Do teenagers still go on dates?
Facebook is showing unwanted adult content, what can I do about this?
How long have you been growing out your hair?
What's the oldest samsung in your household?
Would you be upset if your friend started dating your ex?
After 8 years since being a Beta player I finally hit level 40
New medal! How many party challenges have you completed?
Show me your 15 most recent shinies
Is this good or just cool to have?
Am I cooked - daily schedule
Saw a post on recent shinies... Let's see your last 12 hundos 😁
What’re your recent 12 shiny’s caught?? Let’s em!
being told by my parents that these aren’t good enough…what do I even do bruh
💅is mine
Please stop I'm begging you Niantic...
Year 9 grades
Are we allowed to play on other peoples account frequently?
What’s your personal best?
Regieleki raid 177835567509
Are you religious?
Regieleki on me now I am high level if I add you you will be invited 560373540126