Which house is your Jupiter in ? ♃
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
Write down your Saturn (sign/house) and let s chat about how it impacted you
Respectfully, no 🙏🏻🤣
What’s your Lilith and how is it ruining your life 💀
If you’re not obsessed with me I lose interest… and I hate that. 😭
You vs your mom
What is your moon sign and what is your career or field of study?
Juno placements
Ol classic meme of the elemental placements 😆
Thoughts on Scorpio risings?
Aqua & who else 🙄🙄
How do others feel about Virgo risings?
What is you MC (midheaven or 10H) sign and what is your dream job?
You hoes know who you are. We all do cause it's on your flair! haha. Please share your traumas. This is not a safe space.
What you see vs what they feel
What’s your Venus sign and your sexuality?
40f pregnant. What does my hand say?
What did you do during the Pisces new moon?
Any biologically childfree people here? What's your sign and why don't you want kids?
How do you flirt and what is your Mercury sign?
Is anybody else tired of other zodiac signs bashing us Geminis, just because we're so-called "two-faced", and have all of these negative traits that doesn't go to all of us? Or is it just me?
Sagittarius Venus
Taurus and Scorpio couple and homicide