Nerf revive bolts
Tired of people defending it
self reflection
Buff haymaker/uppercut.
Is this what you want from me Crytek? Is this what you want lobbies to be for the next week?
The LeMat Uppermat/Haymaker should get a price decrease to $200-275 or a Buff
Anyone notice how silent every game is?
Matchmaking in Hunt Lately
Ramblings of an old man about balance (I know, I'm sorry.)
Best weapons
I'm a 2/3 star, this has been the case in nearly every game tonight
One point nobody is talking about regarding Full over Fair lobbies.
Grubby dies in BRD.
The Maynard Sniper must be stopped
6-Stars takes all the fun away
What is really ruining the game for me is the matchmaking.
Go to gun since the update
Prestige Yes or No ?
This seems a bit broken.
Guide for new silencers / subsonic sound range, and subsonic non silenced.
R.I.P Sardaco
I don't see anyone praising Crytek for how cool this new hunter system is.
If, for whatever reason, you won't do anything about Chinese hackers in EU servers
Please revert MMR changes