The American isle in my supermarket was removed and was instead replaced by Turkish products
Recommendations that are on Kobo?
H3 gets a 30day BAN for rerunning the Hasanabi content nuke for "glorifying extreme violence"
Ranking the cities I have lived in for at least 1 year
Why do people say this game is so bad?
Does our perfect city exist?
What's the difference between TPOS V10 and TPOSC?
If you could live anywhere where would you live (except cal)
New Cloak & Dagger skin coming out this Friday!
Nothing will replace the beginning of Oblivion
As someone who has lived in the western US for most of my life, here are some reasons why you should reconsider moving here
How Can U.S. Citizens Help Canadians Fighting Trump + Fascist Aggression?
Despite of hate they are really enjoyable
How do you feel about the rise of conservative right-wing politics?
World would be a better place if Chamath stayed his ass in Canada.
ideal body type — *actually* average / balanced
What is it about Megan Fox that makes her so insanely attractive?
Most underrated states to be happy in?
Where do you live now and where are you trying to move to?
At what point does being inshape stop making a women more attractive?
What’s your darkest fantasy?
Portland OR vs Portland ME?
Everyone to the United States
It's ok if you don't get signs or experience extraordinary happenings
Never been so excited to start this journey 🙌