removing dx9 legacy mode
Logged onto an account i have been on in ages and found this (really old message)
Who missed the train? 🤑
When will you spend (or sell) BTC?
Where my Judeau fans at?
anybody else pick a weird one as their favorite?
What character is this
Assédio sexual
Goblin Builder is overhated
shrinkflation na caixa de bombom
Been playing since 7th grade. I’m 22 now.
How does this scam work?
Vocês tem alguma história com chefe/supervisor seguindo em rede social? Ou redes em geral afetarem o trabalho
ainda bem que isso nunca aconteceu comigo
Unpopular Kikuo opinions?
I’m so sorry I didn’t play this before.
I want to learn how to invest?
my experience listening to this song for the first time
Tenho 21 anos e não tenho faculdade ou curso técnico ou concurso, estou fracassando como pessoa?
I'm starting to hate Griffith
Anything wrong with this Casca fanart I made? Any critiques?
I miss pippin
RTX 4090 Way Too Low FPS In All Games
Is the 4060 seriously that bad?
VOCÊ JÁ SE AUTOCENSURA ? Medo ou desilusão
BTC is for 30 year olds "teens", someone told me :/