Look at all my pot pies I got for free🥹
Did that uno reverse
Would it make you smile if we banned all links to Twitter?
Ice-T and Coco Austin Celebrate 24 Years of Marriage with Cheeky Couples Photo: 'We Keep It Sexy'
*trigger warning* I found this when I was deleting photos. Idk why I’m posting but if just to show this guy was a POS and tell a funny story
hug breaks
This weed I found on the farm🌱
This Weed 🌱
Am I wrong?
i’m not gonna lie this one had me floored. i told him i was crying bc of all the people and animals in the hurricane and this is how he responded
Surprising my mom with a book that I wrote on Christmas
Came across this beaut
Who’s Cutting Onions?
The relationship started so well…
The outfit that I wore to work today. What’s your opinion?
Other words for ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ other than parent?
i'm ready to come out to my mum... is this easy to read? anything I should change?
Found in Marquette, MI. Just wondering who my little buddy is
Hi All! Does anyone have any tips on getting these stains out of this futon? I have no idea what they are but any tips would be appreciated!
Found this Momma up in the Michigan U.P. on the little garlic river, Wolf Spider right?
Use this as a time capsule to see your comment in (hopefully) 5 years.