Ran out of time, so I’ll tell you here
A Blast From The Past...(and this sub needs a post)
Frogman is kinda hurt
[Fun trope for me] Images/Phrases that active fandoms like sleeper agents in the comments
I need a good name idea for this horse (No joke names)
Find the crab that snuck into my photograph
Fish stuck in a tree, what do I do?
Fr tho
Cheers from a fellow moose rider from across the pond 🇸🇪
You are an Alien Soldier and you realize Human weapons are just checklists.
Real best nemesis’s dress up as each other.
Is that master chief at my college U.S. history mural? (And why does Niel Armstrong have hand grenades?)
I really pissed of Sentinel😂😂😂
I made a new friend today🥹
Why don't most Hogs have doors and better protection for the gunners? Is the UNSC stupid!?!?!
Name this martial arts style
Bloody Roman’s
This hurts to watch (im sorry in advance)
Best guesses what my game is about through the trailer alone?
Tell me your favorite Animal and I'll tell you your alignment