Guys aren’t interested when they find out I’m 30
The Legio Custodes: Origins & History (Warhammer & Horus Heresy Lore)
Ep3o's video opening is a bit scary.........
Just curious are you a married man jerking to my content.. just say yes or no
Am I the only one that thinks Guard 011 is irredeemable?
Inexpensive manometer
The Two Colonels is a masterpiece, and the definition of "short and sweet"...
Crack in the blowpipe stock
Thoughts on the removal of the flag on ftu's?
thought this was funny
Is a D smallpipe chanter supposed to sound like this?
HARD pass
Saluting an officer
I’m going to be a father……
I wrote that in response to female custodes
I’m not like the other Stellaris players
Why/how are some people able to play Stellaris Console Edition, while others are finding the game broken?
Finger injury
Chests. Have I been doing them wrong?
Fingering of Great Highland bagpipe
Lord Huron Tattoo
piobaireachd chad
Does Anyone actually like ally pipers tunes?!?!!?
why is la belle fleur sauvage so unpredictable?
Learning the chanter