Big ballin
Finally Found Shalpha Empoleon :D
I think I just might have ran out of luck
What do my parties say about me 👀
is this a glitch?
Let's fucking goooooooooo
I almost cried
Call me crazy…
Got this while checking a rufflet outbreak
Found my first shalpha!
Ursaluna looks like he doesn't want to go fast...
Now for the wormadam line , and no I ain't evolving them
I am never evolving her , she's just perfect as it is
What does my team say about me?
[3] I'm shaking rn
Offering Blueberry Scarlet exclusives for Blueberry Violet exclusives.
[VII] Shiny Dream Team complete!
[9] First thing I see when I turn on the game this afternoon
928 Smoliv Evolution | Speed Drawing
[gen9] After 260 tries, got my second Aprilball hisuin shiny Pokémon
[7] TW : Fr*nch. Was looking for a Kangaskhan for the Pokédex and got this instead :D
What was your first ever shiny pokemon?
[pogo] I expect Reddit to be on their best behaviour regarding my newest shiny...
[gen 6] Got a shiny Chespin in 69 resets in Pokemon Y
[8] guess my favorite color