A♭ major/F minor
The Chipmunks as the Rowdyruff Boys
The Rowdyruff Boys as the Chipmunks
What song comes to mind?
The Powerpuff Girls as the Chipettes
Any suggestions to name this piece? [Digital]
My industrial music collection (guess my favourite band, very difficult)
The Chipettes as the Powerpuff Girls
yup yup
G major/E minor
G♭ major/E♭ minor
What are some albums where the artist turned evil or dark ? For me it’s Kendrick releasing DAMN and Yeezus
Which is your favorite three album run?
F major/D minor
Chris Cornell throughout the years, which era is your favourite?
What are you favourite non weeknd albums?
E major/C♯ minor
Who has the best hair in metal?
Songs about sex but don't explicitly talk about sex
Favorite character that isn't human?
What song comes to mind when you see this?
Favorite Trios?
this is possibly the worst album cover ever made
Songs named after a part of the album title, rather than the whole thing
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