Can't park there mate
Spot for new currency?
Mierin Eronaile, researcher at the Collam Daan, the 2nd Age
Does anyone feel like this expansion traps your sim?
ABC executive Chris Oliver-Taylor tells court he was unaware of Antoinette Lattouf's race
AO3 will be slow for the next few hours. no, it's not just you.
I have a question about the Lounge playing cards.
"Mysterious" Circumstances
U.S.S Doterel: an unfortunate and unusual ship
Stop changing the textures!!!
“we are basically the least racist country on earth”
What’s the greatest fall from grace for an Australian product?
Images without Link
calling Americans "obnoxious and loud" is racist against blacks and Latinos
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has signalled the possibility of legislating January 26 as Australia Day to prevent future date changes as he blamed “woke CEOs and a weak prime minister” for undermining the celebration.
What slightly shitty Christmas present did you get?
End of an era, the Sun Chung Cafe at Aspley is closing for the last time tomorrow after 45 years. One of that last 1st gen Asian joints - happy retirement!
What’s the funniest mispronunciation of an Australian place you’ve ever heard?
“USA still reigns in the national anthem department, hands down.”
Uninspiring teacher comment
I just think that this outfit
anyone know if this will fit on a 2x4?
My wedding is in 2 days…. This is the text I wake up to from my mother.
Boomer tries voter intimidation, fails miserably
I’ve come to rob the neighborhood!