It’s difficult going from one of the most agile dinosaurs in game to the least agile dinosaur in the game:
Am I playing the game wrong?
Carnivore, Herbivore, or both?
Worthwhile Combat/Arena Servers?
Close fight
Avoid Auranea Community servers
Is Path of Titans playable with my disability - or not worth it?
Hypothetical: What would you want to see next?
Fine map, Panjura
Like a good prey animal, I freeze in fear and let the predator eat me.
Suggestion for Carnivores
Solo players when their dinosaur gets changed to be group oriented:
To the jerks that go out of their way to grief a nest after killing the guy next to it
Unwritten rules regarding hunting? New-ish player
Stop hiding rocks and logs behind bushes devs
Officials really aren't as bad as everyone says
For killing another full grown apex and almost dying myself. This is really sad.
I said what I said…
Men who don’t moan… Why?
Where are all the men that eat out women?
4 words every alt girl wants to hear?
Carebear Mix Pack
Etiquette w/logging off
Full groups on Smalls are ok