Yummy breakfast: 4 eggs, tuna mixed with Greek plain yogurt and banana
I think I took it too far.
Is the west the root cause of problems in libya now?
Cops knocking on your door. You have 1 minute to hide your phone.
Am I fucked?
Can you be a feminist and support the tradwife lifestyle?
1 million dollars but you can't drive a forklift for three days in a row, will you take it?
My mother, who has a phd, just said Trump is "actually quite intelligent"
BREAKING Terrorist responsible for ramming attack in Germany has been reportedly identified Talib Al-Abdulmohsen, a zionist atheist & Ex-Muslim, Saudi-born psychiatrist and activist, he lived in Germany since 2006. He is extremely Anti-Islam.
Would you sleep with 100 people in a day publicly for $350,000 a month?
Mugshots show the transformation of a criminal
do y'all think money buys happiness?
What will you do differently that your parents did when you have kids?
A bus/truck has ran over a group of Israeli soliders in Tel Aviv close to the Mossad base in Glilot, initial casualties toll reached more than 50 between killed an injured.
What is that rich girl smell i get from rich people at airports
Covid destroyed our lives
Are there guys with big dicks that absolutely hate it? Or is it largely just universally loved?
“Did you participate in Gaza genocide”?
Go ahead Guys!!
Let's see how fat you g
Let's see how far you get..
When I tried to break up with my boyfriend he hit me
Is she okay???
What’s the adult equivalent of realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
Happy born-day to them (birth time-lapse)
lol look