Wilds' beautiful ecosystem and immersion are ruined by it's UI and "quality of life" features.
Why does mantis' eyes change between full black and human eyes?
Who is your favorite apex now ?
Some of you were meant to play tank
TIL that the Skogsrå is a Swedish mythical creature with a tail, a hollow back, and skin like tree bark. She lures men into the forest, and anyone who has intercourse with her becomes introverted.
What makes a game's world "feel alive"?
Ontario suspends 25 per cent export tax on electricity sent to U.S.
You get to delete 1 character from the game as if they never existed. Who is gone? I'll start.
AI Discovery Reveals 5,000-Year-Old Lost Civilizations Hidden Beneath the World’s Largest Deserts
In the 'steel city of Canada,' Trump's 50% tariff threat generates 'fear and confusion'
I was morbidly curious on their thoughts on Wilds.......I should not have gone and looked
TIL men who perceive themselves as either very attractive or very unattractive are both more hostile towards women.
Are the sidequests worth doing in offline mode?
RPG that lets you chew the fat
Characters we NEED, not want. (Vanguard Edition)
Battlefield 6's leaked pre-alpha - building Destruction
"Google Doesn't Work Anymore" - How AI has ruined Google Search, Images, News etc...
Monster Hunter endings
Paizo is seeking a new designer to join the Pathfinder Rules and Lore team! Permanent, full-time, entry-level position.
Luigi needs his own spin-off sequel in the Mario movie universe
Scientists create hydro-gel like skin that self-heals 90% of cuts in 4 hours, fully repairs in 24
What game did you drop completely for Wilds?
Uth Duna is the worst fight in the game
X is down!!!!!
X is down
It still boggles my mind they managed to do this back in 1984, and I still have no idea how they did it!