My FC mate has been killing alpacas behind my back. Should I be mad?
Let's build our dream Beast Master, but with a classic SE annoying limitation for it
what's your dream ffxiv job?
How do you guys roleplay in Oblivion? (Genuinely curious)
Have some Hrothg-art
Archons, what was "the incident" at your Studium?
5 more years of Dawntrail discourse
What your favorite side quest?
Island Sanctuary problem
Drawing ffxiv races
Give me your best excuse to leave the erp
Who was the strongest voidsent?
It happened again
If an Angel can fall, does that mean a Demon can ascend?
What class was YOUR Dark Urge? [SPOILER FREE pls]
If you could have your ideal wizard RPG/simulator game, what would YOU want to have in it? (Image barely related)
If you had to choose someone to play first looking only at their designs in the new game, who would you choose?
What are your hopes/expectations for Borderlands 4?
“Y’know, people are already calling some of these games being announced woke” “Well at least somethings awake at this snooze fest” ohohohohohohohoho
From the japanese site.
Just did the Maid of windemere without reckoning mode.
Mastercrafting and temporary boosts
Check mate Liberals 😎
Which builds are you excited to try?
It seems like a warp Portal Opened to 2012