Looking for bands with similar sound to MCR
If Silksong comes out in 2025, I will buy everyone that comments
How do I use Idaeil in Cardinal?
Controversial 10s
Ik realiseer me net iets van het lied "sterrenstof"
How to deal with different takes from different mics?
What are some good rock operas?
What’s your favorite “quirky track 2” on an album?
What does “such a pretty house and such a pretty garden” actually mean?
Muzikale hint in trailer
Great songs with no chorus
[IIL] Songs that make you feel.. that feeling…
Examples of singers with bad singing technique?
Great songs with lyrics that are weird and make no sense to you?
Can I play live acoustic guitar with an sm58 and an sm7b? [QUESTION]
Can I play live acoustic guitar with a sm58 and a sm7b?
Not sure if this has been done before, but what’s the least MCR song that MCR ever wrote? For me it’s Sing, I love it but still…too different from everything else
What is the least Nirvana song that Nirvana ever wrote?
How do you kill this motherfucker
Has anyone tried the mason jar edible method?
whats the most obscure mcr fact you know?
Bob Bryar via Twitter
Hey all! I am traveling through several musical artist subreddits and making a playlist out of it. Top comment gets a spot! (Day 55)