Lothario Family Update!
Lothario Family Updates!
The one time I try and go all out for a holiday, I discover Christmas trees catch fire sometimes and then my game crashed horribly lol. Included pics of before the chaos.
Lothario Wedding!
Last Lothario family update until the wedding :) Happy Tuesday everyone!
recreated myself as a Sim. I think I did a pretty good job
Lothario Family photos :) Last update until wedding time. Happy Tuesday everyone!
Quick photoshoot at the park before baby girl Lothario #2 makes her arrival.
Don and his girls. I am obsesseddd
Chelsea and Don got engaged :)
Chelsea and Don Lothario got engaged :)
Anybody Else Purchase EVERY Kit?.... Just me?...Okay then.
He is not impressed 🥲
Gender Reveal, Maternity Shoot, and birth of baby girl Sierra Lothario :)
Spellcaster’s Manor 🪄 | No CC
My poor sim gave birth while in a dissociative schizophrenic episode.
I usually suck at making my own sims. but I'm proud to introduce Chelsea Barrera.
Friend's name is Cole and I need an annoying nickname
Mugshots of a man reveal his transformation as he descended further into a life of crime.
Isla Paradiso Is So Pretty. I Just Wish The Lag Would Go Away. Like The Lots Are Made With Love
Spent hours making this build... and the gallery does me dirty
I just cried because I dropped my food
Wondering. What does cilantro taste like to all of you?
What did you give up to better your mental health health?