Alright now which one took one of my chest slots?
Anyone able to explain this????
It’s tragic that we can’t at least edit war decks during down-time
UM WHAT? My gf just got this email from an actual school email
My gf whispered into my ear "_________"
What happens if u get an emote twice?
Well I’m cooked
Every match is mega knight and firecracker
The new game mode in a nutshell
Logbait players are psychotic
Why only one wall breaker connects sometimes?
This is number 1# bullshit
When your friend reinstalls clash to play 2v2 ladder...
What happens if I don't claim this?
Are you ok golden knight?
Pekka thought she(?) had a range buff instead of a nerf
How the group describes Nogla
Where do I put this out of context clip
smartest firecracker ever 🤯
Which card should I upgrade to lvl 15 first?
2v2 ladder?
Megaknight sits in tower
What happens if I decline?
Top 10 clash royale plays