What is the lore reasoning behind Egon wanting to drill a hole in his head?
BUSTERQuest: "It Can See Clearly, Now!"
"Two In The Box: What's Inside and My Experience"
TitB P.K.E meter issue?
"2 In The Box" In-Depth Ghost Trap HONEST REVIEW
"HONEST REVIEW of the 'Two In The Box' PKE Meter"
Hasbro will be waiting until the very end of fall to start shipping (US)
HASLAB Two in the Box "Label Created" on my FedEx account.
Haslab Proton pack: Antenna replacement
Who played Gozer better Slavitza Jovan or Olivia Wilde?
"2 In The Box" IS SHIPPING and so says the project page!
Updates for Haslab "Two In The Box."
A little late, but still important - "Finally, a "Two In The Box" UPDATE!!!"
HasLab Two in the Box: Update Questions
You know those...
Ghostbusters Paranormal Research Center jackets…
1984 Haslab Neutrona Wand
Is anyone working on modding a pack to spray sparks run with the cyclotron cover off yet?
"CRT Coils and Emitters: Part 2"
"Haslab Ghostbusters ProtonPack CRT Coils & Emitters"
MRW I look in the mirror after the holidays and realize I need to go to the gym soon