Choosing a new HOTAS in South Africa
Why did whites leave Zimbabwe in such large numbers before the government enacted compulsory land reform?
Former deputy chief executive of AfriForum, Dr Ernst Roets says some people are threatening to kill him after the explosive interview he had with Tucker Carlson in the USA
The American United Airlines is apparently still calling Zimbabwe "Rhodesia" on plane tickets.
Had this come up organically while going about my day.
Banned for stating it would be a tragesty to lose padstal pies and just being part of this community, sensitive much?🙌
Gift of a rhodie friend - he forgot at home the RLI tshirt he ordered for me (my dad served in, passed away last year). Mate, thanks so much you will probably read this post ! 😎
World's First Queer Muslim Imam Muhsin Hendricks from Cape Town, South Africa
🚨: The Cape Independence Advocacy Group is planning to send a delegation to Washington DC.
Phil Craig | Understanding the GNU's Weakness
Requesting r/CapeIndependence for being abandoned
What’s the name of this chip?
Ons kan net hoop dat Wanatu landwyd uitrol :) Ons kort sulke diens in die Wes-Kaap
Meet Wanatu: a new e-hailing platform making waves in SA with its Afrikaans speaking drivers policy. Wanatu owns its cars and offered permanent employment to 50 drivers. The service is available in Pretoria and Centurion.
X-Plane 12 Crack?
A deer chewing on a metal chain.
A week in Orania, my first impressions
You guys have cool accents lol
Young Rhodesians/ White Zimbabweans
Life in South Africa means nothing
The Median White income is apparently 21K in South Africa. Everyone is getting poorer.
Congrats to the new mods👏
Oraniamanne vang koperdiewe | The Cape Independent
Why is Only Fans and Pornhub still not banned?