LAS Take Off
Improving Sleep
Medical Retirement vs 100% VA if under 20 years of service
What rank is this?
What does the commissary need?
Eidola - Mend
What is the biggest shitbag thing you’ve done?
New Check-in Kiosks at SEA-TAC…
I got my job list (1 more opportunity to score higher)
Living in Honolulu while stationed at Schofield
Vets who are teachers, I have a question
Secretary of the Army, Christine E. Wormuth, farewell message to the force.
Delta Boeing 757-200 performing a low landing over Maho Beach.
Ukrainians driving on a muddy road narrowly avoid an explosion that shatters their windows.
C-130 with skis
A220 across country?
18 year E7 MEB
Evening light at SFO: Qantas 787
anyone else's acd have a rhombus on their head?😆
Cool flight I saw this morning
DART Escort in Afghanistan
VA travel benefits
What do y'all carry your SKL in?
Any one know the name for these and are they in regs
Everett Paine Field to Honolulu resume in fall 2025?