What novels to read?
Having trouble deciding
How many MMOs have you played simultaneously? Which ones?
Split on witch one to get.
The real version
Pro-Trump and MAGA restaurants to avoid
Who's hiring
Another Public School Lunch in America
Traffic right now - holy crap
Anywhere in Pittsburgh that makes fluffy Japanese Pancakes?
What's one video game level you are surprised people had a tough time with?
Bakery Recommendations
How long would 14 grams last yall
Random question I thought of, what did you guys name your Railjack and why?
Paperback please
Street Fighter 6 - Cammy (Poison Outfit) Vs Chun-Li (Blacked Underwear) RTX4090
Anyone Know What This Tree’s / The Lightning Bug’s Purpose Is / Are In The Intro Cutscene?
Is Predecessor old Paragon?
Online Multiplayer in Versus Mode?
TIL: The official Yu-Gi-Oh tournament hosted by Konami instituted a hygiene clause to rulebook. This allows judges to penalize players with dirty clothing or terrible odor by giving them a loss. Super Smash Bros tournament also started implementing similar rules.
Who else belongs here?
Vampire coast equivalent in AOS?
my hope for Makoto SF6 redesign, is Gee down and sportswear underneath, like Kens SFV design but now actually done well
What old (now nerfed or deleted) builds do you miss?