[Aukey DR02] Been thinking I need to replace my brakes... someone decided to check them for me
[USA] Cop catches a red light runner who just missed the yellow. Maybe it'll cure his bad habit?
Red lights are optional for some people I guess
[USA] Car Fire on the Highway - No Injuries It Appears Thankfully | I-80 in New Jersey
[Blackvue DR-750s] Car Fire on I-80 in NJ, USA.
Car Fire on I-80 in NJ, USA. No idea if this person was an Idiot but I have never seen anything like this in-person before.
[Viofo A129] Baltimore Biker Barely Bypasses Bone Breaking Bounce
[USA] Horrible NJ driver cuts off 2 other cars and nearly clips my bumper. I don't know what was going through this person's head.
[USA] [NJ] Driver attempted to pass me using a short truck lane on an uphill portion of highway. Didn't really accelerate though and put himself onto the shoulder.
NJ Driver cuts off two other cars, pushing one into another lane, and nearly clips my bumper. Would have liked to know what was going through their head.
(NY Times) M.T.A Faces Its Worst Financial Crisis (or, why your commute is going to suck for the next 10 years)
Why did they block it the wrong way round!
We already do this. No need to enforce it
[USA][PA][OC] Middle Finger for 2 City Blocks
Noob needs Dashcam recommendations
(NYC) Two Drivers Merge Towards Different Exits. Who's more in the wrong here? Hyundai or BMW? You can see car ahead of the BMW so the exact same thing...
Two cars try to merge at the same time towards different exits. Who's more at fault? BMW or Hyundai? You can see a car ahead of the BMW did the same thing but it worked out better...
(NYC) Almost merged into twice in under 15 minutes. Felt like it was the right amount of horn. Coronavirus making people real dumb in NYC.
Christmas Day Road Rage. No contact, just hurt feelings. Queens, New York, USA
FEF - Somebody got new emblem overlays for Xmas
[USA] Chevy SUV Driver isn't having it on Christmas Day | Queens, NY