Ohne Musik geht nichts
Selfmade Ace Statue
Theory on Sunnys domain.
New Shadow?
When will sunny die??
My base is finally getting somewhere. It's really satisfying to see the progress! :D
Where can I buy good quality book
Thoughts on Green Turtle Talisman/Viridian Amber Medallion +2 over Alexander for Backhand Blade?
Emote Required - Hidden Passage in Shadow Keep
Die Regierung will uns alle Gay machen 🤣
How many chapters do you think are left till the end of the novel?
What are your favorite chapters?
Release schedule
Sunny's appearance
So a weird thought about Nephis
Am I the only one who pictures a certain Nightmare Creature in the latest arc...
Beware of Chicken.
Beware of chicken
Two debated questions answered by G3
Nephis is the weakest divine aspect holder
Reverse Flaw
I hope we get a tour of the city after the fight with the winter beast.