"There needs to be another tournament of power!" Brother NOBODY is beating this lineup 😭
You don’t have cards
Electro Wizard with this buff can 1 tap spirits
Logbait players are psychotic
What evo should i get
Final Balance Changes - February 2025 Season 68 - Clash Royale - RoyaleAPI Infographic
What Is the Current Most Annoying Card/ Evo?
I’m getting so tired of everyone using pekka or mega knight, it’s so boring
Firecracker needs to die to log.
biggest win from the mod team
Can I still consider myself f2p? massive thanks to Royale API for providing me this
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Oda predicted the suspicious bush (I just started reading one piece)
What Do Y’all Spend Coins On Now…
Petition to Remove Useless Notifications
How tf did I get 3rd place and not 2nd?
Day 5: What is the most hated card in cr history?
Tell me some of your favorite memory levels! The top 16 most requested ones will be randomly placed on this bracket and voted on by the community!
favorite coney phrase?
credit to ya_mari_6363 on X
Chat gets mogged (from the end of the funniest stream this year)
I’m the drink 🤫
What are your guys favorite cringe confessional stories
Which anime character has the biggest ego?