It Has Begun - VERA Authorized for HHS through March 14th
Are Title 42 Staff Scientists Placed in Group 3 and First in Line for a RIF?
RIF % and when?
NIH Clinical Care Center Patient Reimbursement Changes?
March 7
New email from HHS: submit the 5 bullets
In case anyone is wondering bout the status of the nih pages
adderall legit?
Unknown people joining calls?
So.. We're not publicisizing but attending. 🤔
NIH websites down
So no updated flu vaccine next yr?
Feds Against Fascist Oligarchs
Call your reps^23
OMB-OPM memo
The collapse of NIH : The Atlantic
the HHS docs from the atlantic piece
Are fired probies appealing to MSPB?
News on contractor layoffs?
the WHO link here I think answers a few questions we have been asking
What they want from us? 😔
How screwed am I as an NIAID-funded researcher?
Welp.. F'ed in so many ways
Vanderbilt email about NIH Funding
I know our ERGs were shut down but FYI