To all the fellow solotanks: You just carried that game.
Just got my bronze weapons, I think I’m ready for the next biome!
How do I deal with this goddamn cockroach woman?
For yall who play drones or any stort of homing/auto aim weapon i have a genuine question for you: what makes playing this stuff fun for you?
CHANGE MY MIND! (you can't)
Don’t bother using coms if you’re a female
Japanese company Obayashi Corporation still plans to create an elevator-tower that brings you directly into space by 2050.
How do you rate these actors?
Ultimate Jenga move
Saw this posted by ScreenRant
I'm Starting To Really Hate Playing Rocket - And Not Because He's Bad
Wall of butthurt text
Games you can't stop playing?
As someone who mains Captain America, I’m super pumped for the buffs!
The Fantastic Four Join Marvel Rivals!
Use this graph from top 500 games against anyone who says "Ackshually, Rocket has good damage!"
Anonymous confession: I dont care about femstodes
Wokehammer was never over and "the retcon" never happened.
Hulk no smash until spider nest gone
Iron fist doesn't suck
finally; a successful avalanche build! got perhaps my first 3000 point win!
Ranged heroes. Shoot. The. Nest
Difficulty level so uneven