Remove Mel from Urf or Nerf Her
Irelia new skin
What's the point of playing marksmen in "Ultra Rapid Fire" if you cant even rapidly fire?
Remove or Nerf Mel in Urf
Remove Mel from Urf.
buy or wait?
Magical Girl Skin
King Kong crates are DOG
Health/Shield bar randomly vanishes
Miku Contrail bug
Roast my main skin
After 14 years of on & off playing.. I finally did it!!!
To Lux or Not to Lux..?
Honoring an Ally
would you recommend learning irelia to a new player
Turrets in Aram need buffed
Iron/bronze is hell
Swiftplay needs Adjusted
Is Irelia worth it?
Domination Tree in Aram
Q Bug?
Do you guys have a Matchup Bible?
Who to watch for high-elo irelia gameplay?
I have adjusted my drawing a bit. Fan Art By Khang
Leblanc Face Change