The One-Star Wind and Truth reviews certainly have a theme!
When you are a little too silly
I never understand why people get so toxic, especially when winning
Ship Names
That awkward moment when you start working in the school you grew up in… can I still call my coworkers Miss/Sir or ?
Police ‘making up hate-crime rules as they go’ over JK Rowling storm
In my opinion, in ME3, Kai Leng should've been replaced by the person we left on Virmire. Or more cruel - Virmire survivor.
Too many pupils miss lessons, says Ofsted, and that’s right. Call it the Michael Gove effect
Doctor Who 0x01 "The Star Beast" Post-Episode Discussion Thread
I unfortunately now understand why players get annoyed by Mercy one tricks
Daily Rant/Salt
How does Tamarian language work?
Whats the dumbest reason someone was toxic to you in game?
ITV Border: "BREAKING: Holyrood has passed the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill by 90 votes to 30. Minister @MairiMcAllan says the new legislation will end illegal fox hunting by closing loopholes in the law"
Starmer: '16 is too young to change legal gender'
Trell foreshadowing (TLM spoilers)
UK Should Protect the Rights to Protest and Strike, not Undermine Them
Collective nouns for departments
What are you waiting for?!
Jeremy Hunt delays economic statement due on Halloween to 17 November
How the Matrix’s famous Agent Smith clone fight scene was filmed
Good luck for today and solidarity! If A level was anything to go by it’s a rocky ride ahead this morning! Feel free to drop your horror stories about how it went !
Sombra works in mysterious ways (potg(?)
Why do you think this sub loves Rhythm of War less than other books?