Looking for Quirkless Discrimination fics with Toshinori as target.
LF a fic with Izuku has a quirk that gave him powers after death
Looking for a short MHA fic based around the presence of a female OC with magnetism powers. Low on plot, composed of vignettes; none from her POV, all reactions. Was on AO3.
Body Snatcher
what’s your “lottery win” dream purchase?
seaching a time travel izuku fic with later time travel endevour
Weekly Questions Megathread - July 30, 2024
Curious about the future
Dear Friends of SVE, Farmer Jane just danced with a cat ...
I'm an idiot please help with maps
New SVE player: suggest other compatible mods
How Do People in the US Heat their Homes? [OC]
[TOMT][STORY]Singing to Robots
Please help
Aurora Vineyard
SVE Dialogue Compatibility
Fun fact: Demetrius has NEVER ONCE acknowledges Sebastian in any way shape or form
Nexus quest? Spoilers
[LOVM S1] The Legend of Vox Machina Episode 3 - Show-Only Discussion Thread
[No Spoilers] Matt & Marisha Talk Vox Machina on NPR
Sci-Fi involving Earth periodically turning to crystal, Atlantis
[MEGATHREAD] New Horizons Dodo/Friend Code Sharing
portrait overhauls compatible with sve? :)
Grandpa's Shed quest not starting?