Today it was about eggs
So glad I didn't fund my GC brother's college
What did the other adults in your life think of you (teachers, friends parents, neighbors, etc.)
My mom is so good at insulting my appearance because she's camouflaging it as a praise
Fistfight at the Nursing Home
Anytime that you got hurt (and it wasn't your fault) did your parents ever make you feel that it was your fault or did they yell at you and not even ask if you were ok?
DAE feel your muscles relax the minute you are away from home
Heard ndad yelling at GC brother.
My mother tears the maid better than she ever treated me
The second my nparents know what I’m doing. I have to stop it and do something else, why?
Anybody else resent their enabler parent?
I realized why I am good at work but feel crippled at life
DAE have unexplained scars on your face or body
Please include enabler(s) in grey rocking
“If you don’t eat my food, I’m kicking you out”
Mother not talking to me after rejecting a guy for arranged marriage
She's mad that I didn't change out of my work uniform before driving home from work
Did your Nparents never hug you as a child but now hug you as an adult?
I think I've become immune to ndad
Nparents contacting my boss today. I'm in panic and feels powerless.
Why do narcissists freak out when you travel?
I'm starting to go minimal contact with my Nmom
How do you start actually doing stuff when your parent's voice in your ear saying you are useless?
The moment I realized I have to distance from mum
When I call my Dad “Old Man” or use his first name, it really makes me feel better. Anyone else’s nparents hate this?