Serena and Miette reaction after Ash and Gary Lost
Couples in Star Wars that you love for their wholesomeness? I’ll go first:
Thoughts on this Tarre Vizsla fanart by Jake Bartok? I personally feel that this is the perfectly look for a Mandalorian Jedi.
Adding onto my post from a couple of days ago, do you think Paul could defeat Lucas if the latter was using the following team? Which Pokémon would Paul use to counter this? Assume this is Paul at the level he was during the Sinnoh League.
How would you feel if this had been Paul’s team during the Sinnoh League? Combining the Pokémon Ash couldn’t beat at Lake Acuity with new ones to replace those he did.
How would you change Thrackan Sal-Solo’s story?
New Bill Introduced In Texas Would Prohibit Removal Of Any Part Of the Womb or Ovaries for All Ages
New Bill Introduced In Texas Would Prohibit Trans Hormones and Surgeries for All Ages
So there was apparently another attempt to create a super soldier during the Korean War? Honestly, the way the government treated Isaiah Bradley and those other soldiers was just barbaric… so glad Sam Wilson’s finally brought the truth to the spotlight.
Is there really a black market which sells superpowers in NYC?
Thoughts on the idea of Paul becoming a surprise mentor figure to Ash and Serena’s daughter in terms of being a Pokémon trainer?
Let’s say Ash got Leavanny, Darmanitan and Braviary as his Unova Grass, Fire and Flying-types instead of Snivy, Pignite and Unfezant. How would you like their arcs to play out?
Now that the panic has died down a bit… what are your thoughts on the whole ‘Red Hulk’ incident with Captain America and President Ross?
Favorite Trans Character
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Failed Experiment
Is it Zannah and Bane?
If Ash had brought back some of his older Pokémon during the Vertress, Lumiose and Manalo Conferences, which ones would you like to see? The catch is: he has to use as many different old Pokémon as possible without excluding his regional teams.
Armadillo inspired Fakemon (Steel/Ground-Type)
Thoughts on this Tarre Vizsla fanart by Jake Bartok? I personally feel that this is the perfect look for a Mandalorian Jedi.
This might be controversial, but are there any talking points among conservatives (American or otherwise) that socialists legitimately agree with?
How can I, as a man, support female coworkers who might be subject to sexual harassment in the workplace without undermining their independence or coming across as patronising?
So… how exactly does the aging of Yoda’s species work if fifty years is still considered infancy?