Avatar rework
When OSRS players meet RS3 players at Runefest
Guys, I'm here. Where is everyone?
Helwyr HM is the worst boss out of all the bosses I’ve ever killed
so i guess jagex won this round then
I finally got it
New Lead Monetization Designer for Jagex.
Quite the oversight.
your LOTD ring shines brightly. you receive 1x blurberry special
Ossecous "Did you say something" Achievement
My what?
I think the "Four in hand" achievement is bugged
Fort Forinthry? More like Dumb Dummy-nthry
5 year golden reaper grind ruined by vitalis bug
Rasi, couldn't quit ya
So this happened today
Please Update Oddments Store Cosmetics
How I feel going 4x a drop rate on an item
Drop rates trolling me lol
I HATE this interface why are they labeled all the same thing? There is no back button It's like pulling teeth to navigate
Account goal complete. Rax set on my mobile only HCIM.
war blessing 1 effect if any1 is curious wat it does (basically adds a portal to tp to middle of tunnels)
MQC Bugged
Rngs been good to me today
My man got wholesomely roasted for his Gucciscape. Was too funny to me, had to share.