Since when did Electronic Arts (EA) become such a hated video game company?
What do you like most about this game?
Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Hottest Male Video Game Characters of All Time?
Automatic "oh heck no" that makes you abandon a game?
Times sequels ruined games?
Is 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court' an Isekai?
Progression vs equal weapons/guns (explanation)
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
Have you also been trained by games to go everywhere except where you're supposed to go first?
My Naoe Fan Art (Having Japanese Rice Balls)
Aren’t they siblings???
Is this true?
Should I just try other video games before giving up gaming?
what is his name?
Which Video Game character basically has you like this?
Who would win this fight?
What’s the hardest enemy (not a boss) you’ve ever fought??
Good games ruined by bad dlc's
How would you answer this without being too overwhelming?
Potential absence of Pieces of Eden in Shadows – statements from Assassin's Creed VP.
One of the most slept-on and overly hated games of all time
Do you think the characters within universe of the show are really speaking English?
What are some gaming takes that make you go
Who is that in cyberpunk?
this game felt like a fever dream