Hoyoverse pls pls pls pretty pls
Like this or hate this?
Do I mog and yeah rate my face (20 and I'm Asian)
Name a Childe that can't crit
Finally reached 2k atk. I.can finally sleep now
Uh guys when is Childe's banner coming
quitting the game
Am I done with that domain, bois?
What's your prettyscale score
So I jumped from top 16% to 1% today. It was a good day.
New to this game, is my crit rate usable?
Nah, i'd crit
Childe's artifacts
How's my future Childe ?
Brunei #1 Most Overweight Country in SEA
almost reaching that 100/180 ratio (im going insane and ive lost it)
Finally achieved my dream ratio!
Top 45 in the leaderboards (Top 1%)
What do y'all think of my childe build, after 3 months of bad rng
Need your guys' opinion on my Childe
What do I need to improve?
anime that either sort of changed your life, altered your mindset, or just genuinely touched you
Polar or Aqua