Best way to use a £30 gift card in one fell swoop?
Fred Waterford is definitely one of the best characters
Prime is the worst for rewatching.
Medical science in Gilead.
Receiving letters outside of my home
Nurse failing to act as PoA
Gold locked
Received this weird letter with no letter head, no name and only a phone number
Occupational Health Interview
How many dice per roll
What to wear for interview - HCA in mental health?
What quietly disappeared over the last 20 years in the UK, and no one noticed?
Did anyone go to school with someone that you saw a few years later in the news for something shocking?
Where to play squash?
Moving to Southampton
Can anyone help me fix my makeup?
Worst meds to prep
I stitched Jenna as a chair. Suggested I post here, please remove if not allowed 🙂
Gingerbread Event
Wishing a terrible Grinchmas to whoever blocked this family in
Do people really eat a fryup on Christmas morning then a full Christmas dinner later?
Health disclosure
Thoughts on Holbury?
Due today in Belfast - chance?