1:1 Within Arms Length due to risk of self harm
Real Talk…how much money have yall spent on this game??
Critical care/ICU as first NQN job?
Writing out swear words in direct quotes?
Friends keep on making me feel gross about eating Greggs.
Is my book title offensive in the UK?
What knock offs at Aldi and Lidl are as good as, if not better than the ‘originals’ ?
Do Brits take their shoes off when going into a house or leave them on?
Not too bad Peg-E!!! I won more but didn’t screenshot 🎩🤖📨⭐️🎲🎉
This scene was so shocking to me.
Are Brits “boycotting” American made/produced products?
Bluestar fares
Problematic 1st year student cohort (mental health)
Nursing placement research project
How can I become a Young people’s substance misuse nurse?
Do the wives & commanders still try to reproduce ?
Name changes and Job Applications
Best way to use a £30 gift card in one fell swoop?
Fred Waterford is definitely one of the best characters
Prime is the worst for rewatching.
Medical science in Gilead.
Receiving letters outside of my home
Nurse failing to act as PoA
Gold locked
Occupational Health Interview