Albums You’ve Been Really Into Lately
Say it with your chest
dot tell me you hate hardcore if you havent been to $5 basement powerviolence shows
Some friends come over and want to play some music. What bands do you NOT let them play?
Who Are The Most Disgusting And Psychotic Serial Killers Ever In Your Honest Opinion?
How do i tell a girl who's into me that i'm in a goregrind band called "goat fuckers from amsterdam"?
In y'all's opinion, what are some of the best album covers in metal?
Hey folks, y'all agree with this or nah?
Holy Fuck Why Didn’t I Try This Band Out Sooner
Outside of CC what other extreme metal bands/genres do you like?
First Song You Listened To?
we all know some horrible people in metal bands, who are some of the nicest folks in the metal community?
What's your ideal ratio of clean vocals to screams? Or do you prefer only one or the other in your metal?
What are some bands that you think AREN'T metal, but are still metal "adjacent"?
Got a new pup. Looking for a good metal name for him. Give me your best!
Favorite Song From Each Opeth Album
Need some album recs 2010 or newer
What's an obscure fact about a popular band/musician that you know of?
What metal genres/movements would you consider DEAD at this point in time?
Is there such a thing as "soft heavy metal"?
none so vile ruined death metal for me
Out of These Choices Which is Your Favorite?
First Time Hearing This Song
Favorite Album Artwork In The Past Few Years?
What are the most “redneck” metal bands?