What's something you would never buy, even if you have 1 billion dollars?
I LOVE My Kitten But....
Fo you think there will be a revolution one day?
Sometimes, I can't resist my cat and play with him...
DAE think it’s weird when people talk to themselves?
kittens still scared of me😢 pls help
If you were a cursed object what would you be?
New kitten advice
What’s one thing you wish you knew before living alone?
What’s the most difficult part about living alone for you?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
DAE feel like they need to crack or pop every joint in their body?
Do ducks think rain is a conspiracy?
What do you do and you think its going to kill you some day?
What is a good comeback to someone calling you ugly?
What is one of the things you love the most about your little furry friend?
DAE feel so much better without social media?
What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
Lived alone for 30 years. Loved it. Had to move in with family two years ago. One star, do not recommend.
Help, my kitten is a dictator
Look at this cute kitten my friend saved a week ago
DAE also eat the mango skin when eating the rest of the fruit?
Is it a red flag if a guy you’ve just started dating asks you to delete all the guys from your Snapchat and erase your Facebook completely?
Why does it sometimes feel worse when your pet die compared to a family member?
What’s the hardest addiction to kick?