How are you feeling?
what would happen if whitty was a chill guy and julian had anger isssues just wanted to ask
what would you do if you meet whitty in the alley from the mod
Of all the designs Whitty has had, which one is your favorite?
If they broke into your house, wyd?
why does bf speak beeps and an boops
why does tricky shake so much is he crazy and whats make him shake
hva skal jeg gjøre med løs mage og oppkast
Where did this image come from?
Which Fnf Character would you like to meet or be friends with(canon and non canon allow)
why does whitty have anger isssues i just wanted to know
What song do most people think of as William’s villain song?
is julian human whitty but before whitty had anger issuses
Verosika Fanart by @hakkostic
how does breathing activate the springlocks and movment
i love the new season best season in chapter6 so far
You all are not ready for this conversation
The first episode of The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley series is now available on YouTube!
fornite collab
What are the top features from FNAF 2 you wanna see appear in Blumhouse’s Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 ?
how springlocks work
Golden Freddy's Death Date maybe
can sombody post
lakers are found in minnesota wiconsin ontario and other places
what is your dream laker my is a red nodule with some eyes and a window full of banding and parallaxx when cut