Redneck Birthday party
A bowl a day keeps the _____ away
Soccer Fields open to the public
In a drug class for weed and the misinformation is crazy
F*** Whatever negative thing you have to say about this place.
What's the deal with airline food?
Spotted in the wild
Thumb callus?
I fell and ate shit hill bombing and my wrist hurts I don’t know if it’s broken can someone tell me
Made such a newb mistake; as an old dude returning to skating
Catching air at LFK
Is anyone else one injury away from having to quit skating? [45YO]
If you’re ever out of weed, just go to Amazon parking lot
He's loving it
Sky looks scary
Cracker Barrel employee quits after 13 years
Finally getting a little truck tick [61YO]
What is it called when you Shuv and the Nose is on your backfoot?
of “shrimp”
Medellín Columbia
Knee muscle sore and pain in joints
Hall of Meat 2 for 1 Special
New fear where there never used to be before
Finally getting somewhere with nose slides. [37YO]