Post your favourite splits.
What's your favourite guitar pick?
What is this?
What Vocalist sounds the most like this guy?
Easy metal songs
List 3 highlight songs from your favorite band.
Your other favorite band after Amon Amarth?
Your other favorite band
Name a Perfect thrash song (no big 4 allowed).
What's the album that got you into liking more harsh vocals
I said mayhem is overrated once and look where I am now
What's your opinion on Dismember?
What do you think of Nekrogoblikon?
Ai art beer can labels
Now for the opposite
What is the best cryptopsy album?
Beneath The Sky - 7861
What do y’all think of Cattle Decapitation?
Jail season 1
Maybe he ain't so bad after all...
Convince me to become a fan of your favorite band by recommending just one song.
Where to buy t-shirt in Canada?
What’s your favorite metalcore song that’s not very heavy?
Im new to BM - In what order would you put this bands?