If you could only have ONE tote, which would it be and why? 👀
Life was more colourful back then :(
The most overrated luxury handbags?
My friend was asked to leave a group therapy session last fall at CSUN
What if your hand slipped during the voting?
Who will die in the fourth and fifth game in Season 3?
I really need to get this off my chest
Do most white western men like Asian women?
Geum-ja's knife
underlated question: how does it taste like? like a cookie or something?
My sister’s teacher doesn’t understand simple algebra
What is your opinion about the people that say thanos is child of deok su and mi nyeo
Dior regret, doesn’t go with anything
Season 3 Predictions - what will happen to each player and why?
Mom wanted me to get a "real" job instead of studying, but then got upset when I started making too much money with my "fake job"
The old money trend is basically the same as trying to show off luxury products, but with a layer of self-absorbed delusion
The "old money" social media trend is equivalent to dressing in flashy luxury products with an additional layer of self-serving psychosis
Who is she talking about?
One of my cousins lists she sent my sister of name ideas.
My friend is naming her baby Contessina Seraphina
I am shaking with anger on this one. It was posted right after the Oval Office disaster...
How did you get started with real estate investing?
Best places for property investment?
Which Game is the most stressful game of Squid Game in your opinion (Besides RLGL)