They totally yassified Momo
Secondary pick against Pyke counters
Pyke content creators?
Other character alongside Darius for Top
This momo costume goes so well with my current fit; nature green is such nice color
So...? Anyone else annoyed by the BB?
I knew douple jumping smug thing felt familiar..
How does this make you feel
They are judging
Gepard sweep
New to the game, anything I should know?
Most fun champion for you? And why?
Is Safer Seas worth playing for player who dont like pvp?
Experience of a Returning Player
What's your moral code when sailing the Seas? (If you have one.)
Gepard 1v1s a child (real)
What makes Swain ADC good?
Can she be jungle?
Help with crashes
mogh phase 2 is impossible
Extraterrestrial Satellite Communication | Mavuika
Funny mechasuit girl
Would you Consider Lies of P to be in your Top 10 Games?
I might be freak but I really liked these clowns and would've liked more of them to pop up
Which weapon has you saying “yay free parry” when it gets pull out ?Also how the heck did they get this far with vigor that low ?