Retirement center worker beats a mentally handicapped woman while friends stand by, laughing and recording the incident
Retirement center worker physically assaults a mentally handicapped woman while friends stand by, laughing and recording the incident
Which fantasy romance series represent this meme
Which profession is going to get wiped out in the next 5-10 years?
How do viral Reddit posts gain so much traction? Is there any proven strategies?
What genuinely the craziest shit you’ve seen posted on Reddit?
What's something weird, but harmless and non NSFW that you're into?
Republicans of Reddit, how do you feel about Trump calling himself King in his recent truth social post?
How would people react if Obama or Biden, even jokingly, declared himself king?
What’s off about our kitchen?
She has reached her breaking point
I felt this deep in my soul... no child should feel this way
[UPDATE] I am so disturbed lmaoo
Representative McCormick claims he didnt know that a bill he sponsored would make it harder for married women to vote.
The paper towel one is triggering me.
Ultimate Fictional Crushes at Romantasy Bookcon LA
can we withhold rent if this is not fixed?
MS-13 member shoots his ex-girlfriend in Los Angeles
[Serious] How bad is it going to have to get in America, before the president and his retinue can be stopped?
Trump Supporters, what do you dislike about liberals but would fight tooth and nail to allow them to do/say?
What makes a president dumb?
What's the best horror series you've ever watched?
Morning commute
TRIGGER WARNING: some people need to hear this
Ryan Reynolds reacts to Tina Frey and Amy Poehler bringing attention to him at SNL50: “Great, why, what have you heard?”